14 May 2021

Embrace a School: Ternium is a Pioneer in a Program by Rio de Janeiro's City Hall

Ternium is the first company in Rio de Janeiro to join Rio’s City Hall Program "Embrace a School". Launched on Thursday, May 13, with the presence of Mayor Eduardo Paes and Municipal Secretary of Education Renan Ferreirinha, the project encourages private companies to support municipal schools, either with structural renovation or in the educational area. Ternium will be part of the project with a work in Adalgisa Nery Municipal School, located at Conjunto São Fernando, in Santa Cruz. The company's investment in the school will be BRL 2.4 million.

"When we learned about the program, we had no doubts about embracing a school in Santa Cruz," said Fernanda, referring to Adalgisa Nery Municipal School.

Ternium participated in the launching of the event at the City Hall with the presence of the Legal Vice-President, Pedro Teixeira; the Human Resources Director, Ivani Silveira; and the Community Relations Manager, Fernanda Candeias, who announced the company's support to the “Embrace a School” program. "When we learned about the program, we had no doubts about embracing a school in Santa Cruz. We are very happy to announce and make this investment and help in the transformation of this school environment for the return of students, teachers, and everyone who is on this incredible journey of transforming society through education. I appreciate the partnership with the City Hall. We are together in this fight," commented Fernanda Candeias.

The new program by the Municipal Secretariat of Education (SME) allows the civil society and the private sector to support school units in three areas: donation of inputs, infrastructure improvements, and connectivity. "For Ternium, education is valuable, and the industry grows together with the community. For this growth to happen, we support education everywhere the company operates. In Santa Cruz, there are more than 9,000 young people and children benefiting from Ternium's social projects, many of them in partnership with the Municipal Secretariat of Education," added the Community Relations Manager.


In his speech, Mayor Eduardo Paes thanked Ternium’s support and said that this is a great opportunity to create a culture of private investment in public amenities: "We always have the view of public amenities as being state-owned. The school belongs to the City Hall, the square belongs to the City Hall, the park belongs to the City Hall. No, they do not belong to the City Hall. They are public amenities, and belong to all of us. It is obvious that the City Hall has a constitutional duty, and it charges taxes to maintain, build infrastructure and provide the amenities with services. But this dimension can never be forgotten."

Persons interested in supporting the program “Embrace a School” will have two options to participate: either by directly executing the work or by donating equipment/supplies to the school or to partner organizations, which will receive the material and provide the service.