Ternium steel rod and wire, products fabricated from scrap.
Scrap, that material that is left from other industrial processes or is considered useless or worn-out, when is melted with crude iron in the blast furnace, acquires a new value when it is converted into liquid steel for the production of steel plates. In other words, we are talking about valuable material that can be reused in the elaboration of diverse products.
However, the important thing is to know how to use it. And that is the secret of some Ternium products, like Ternium steel wire, and Ternium steel rod, that are well-positioned in the construction sector, since they have better resistance and a higher structural capacity, qualities that are really appreciated by the clients.
This result is obtained from the mixture between scrap and iron ore, which we use to elaborate these products.
Another important characteristic that distinguishes the Ternium steel rod from any other, is the reinforcing rod, that it can be found in any variety of size (from 5/16” to 1 1/2”.)
Scrap is a valuable material that can be reused for the elaboration of diverse steel products in Ternium.
Strong structures for your projects
Known in Mexico as “the one with the cross shape” (or Hylsa rod, due to its background), Ternium steel rod counts with this graved cross to fulfill a purpose: to limit relative longitudinal movement between the steel and surrounding concrete, which translates into a better sturdiness for the buildings in which they are used.
Something similar happens with the Ternium steel wire since it contains a certain quantity of scrap. It is distinguished by its structural resistance and capacity that makes it the predilect for builders, it is also the result of the alloy in which predominates iron ore and scrap. Clients know that the difference between other steel wire producers and Ternium is that Ternium steel wire holds up without breaking.
But the steel wire is not only the predilect for builders, but also the predilect for wire drawers, who use it to make galvanized or annealed steel wire and other types of pieces with high demand in the market.
Steel rod and steel wire are products classified as “long steel”. They are one of Ternium’s main products, completely recyclable since they can be used more than once without losing their properties.