02 March 2021

Ternium announces a 500-million-dollar environmental plan

Ternium's Industrial Center at Pesquería, Mexico.

The investment will focus on enhancing the processes to continue reducing the environmental impact on its industrial facilities.

Ternium announced a 500-million-dollar plan on environmentally-friendly projects and technologies for its plants, mainly those located in Mexico, Argentina and Brazil. The announcement was made by the company’s CEO, Máximo Vedoya, during the conference he held last Wednesday, February 24, with investors and analysts.

“Environmental protection is a key aspect of Ternium’s activity. The steel industry, like many others, has been allocating more and more resources to reduce their carbon footprint,” said Vedoya.

On its last plan until 2019, the company invested 260 million dollars in projects related to the environment and to energy efficiency in all its facilities. Now, its new plan adds 500 million dollars, in a strategy to be implemented over the following seven years.

The projects will focus on emission reduction, effluent management and materials management, mainly in the plants in Nueva León, Mexico; San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Argentina; and Santa Cruz, Brazil.

Among the projects to be carried out are: the construction of raw material silos and domes in the Guerrero plant in San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León; the modification to the secondary de-dusting system in the San Nicolás de los Arroyos mill, Argentina; and the baghouse, a device for filtering and removing particles, in the Sinter plant in Brazil.

The company announced this environmental investment plan at the same time it announced its Decarbonization Roadmap, an initiative aimed at reducing its specific CO2 emissions by 20% by the year 2030.

More details on this decarbonization roadmap here